A fart in a jar goes far

A fart in a jar goes far

Some home-owners also kept a smelly goat on standby for the same reason.

Some home-owners also kept a smelly goat on standby for the same reason.

Before the germ theory of disease, humans had interesting ways to 'prevent' illness.

For example, during the Great Plague of London (1665-1666), 'doctors' advised people to keep foul-smelling remedies to breathe in when exposed to infection - diluting the 'bad air' with something as potent.

And the quickest way to keep something smelly on hand? Store your farts in a jar.

Bonus Bubblegum

The Norwegian word for 'smelly feet' is tafis, which means 'toe-fart'.

High-ranking Japanese women hired servants called heoibikuni to take the blame when they farted.

Alan Rickman and Alfonso Cuaron played a practical joke on Daniel Radcliffe while filming ‘The Prisoner of Azkaban’ where they placed a fart machine in his sleeping bag, positioned himself next to a girl he fancied, and set the farts off during a take that had taken ages to get.

On the set of The Princess Bride, André the Giant once "let out a 16 second fart and brought production to a standstill." Nobody said anything except director Rob Reiner, who said "Are you OK, André?" to which André replied, "I am now boss."

Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford farted in presence of Queen Elizabeth I. He left the country for seven years because of it. When he returned, the Queen greeted him with "My Lord, I had forgot the Fart".

Mozart kept a fart diary.

Read More

The Fart Jars of 17th Century Europe on Mental Floss

Image Credits: Hobbycraft

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