All in Musos


In 2013, American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to New York made an unscheduled stop at Kansas City, Missouri. The reason? A passenger refused to stop singing Whitney Houston’s ‘I will always love you’. When leaving the plane in handcuffs at Kansas City, passengers heard one final “And IIIIII...”

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The Great Seal secret steal

On August 4, 1945, a group of Soviet schoolchildren presented a replica of the US Great Seal to US Ambassador W. Averell Harriman as a 'gesture of friendship' to the USSR's World War II ally. It was a great opportunity for the Soviets to plant a listening device in the ambassador's Moscow office - and that's exactly what they did. It took seven years until the bug was discovered.

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Hotel managers were over the Moon

Famous for destroying hotel rooms, Keith Moon from The Who was once in a limousine on the way to the airport when he insisted they return to their hotel, saying "I forgot something." At the hotel, he ran back to his room, grabbed the television and threw it out the window into the swimming pool below. He then jumped back into the limo, saying "I nearly forgot."

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Genius punk

Ever since the invention of recorded music, bootleg copies weren't far behind. But bootlegs existed long before records. A song written in the 1630s was played once a year, and only in the Sistine Chapel. The Vatican kept the composition of the piece secret for 150 years until the 14-year-old Mozart listened to the piece twice, transcribed it from memory, and produced the first unauthorised copy of the song.

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"A young man right at the beginning of his career"

To say that famed actor Sir Christopher Lee led an extraordinary life would be a vast understatement. For example, he was a die-hard metal fan and musician, and at age 91 became the oldest musician to enter the Billboard charts (at #22) with his Christmas single 'Jingle Hell'. In 2010, he released his first complete metal album: 'Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross'. It was critically acclaimed and awarded the 'Spirit of Metal' award at the 2010 Metal Hammer Golden Gods ceremony. Accepting the award, he described himself as "a young man right at the beginning of his career".

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