Ep 4 (Gumdrop): Pants

Ep 4 (Gumdrop): Pants

Polo players from Jodhpur visiting Britain in 1897. Their jodhpurs became English riding pants. Is there anything the English don’t take?

Polo players from Jodhpur visiting Britain in 1897. Their jodhpurs became English riding pants. Is there anything the English don’t take?

In this Gumdrop, we’re talking pants. So where do our various types of pants come from? Well, hold on to your jeans, chinos, jodhpurs, corduroys, dungarees and Capri pants, we’ll stitch you up real good.

Image credits: "File:Jodhpur Polo Team 1925.jpg" by Bozo100 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Ep 5: Dumb Criminals (Hoist by their own petard)

Ep 5: Dumb Criminals (Hoist by their own petard)

Ep 3: Mondegreens (Have You Ever Seen Lorraine?)

Ep 3: Mondegreens (Have You Ever Seen Lorraine?)